Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14

Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14
I was 163lbs a week ago

Friday, March 12, 2010

What I've Learned About Being In My 30s

Your 30s are a relatively easy time to maintain a healthful weight- estrogen levels are balanced and muscle mass is still good. Unfortunately, a woman's hormones can cause chaos.

Finding "me" time can be a tall order, but exercise relieves stress and is a smart alternative to comfort food. Women need at least 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week.

Still gaining weight? Look at how much you're eating. An extra 50 calories a day can put on 5lbs in a year. So ladies let's workout for at least 30 minutes a day. Get the kids involved.....get the whole family involved.

In your 30s, women begin to slowly lose bone mass. Brittle bones make exercise difficult, which makes weight gain likely. To maintain bones, women in their 30s need 1,000mg of calcium and 200 IU of vitamin D a day. Healthy sources of calcium include low-fat or nonfat milk and cheese, yogurt, fortified juices, and cereals. You can get vitamin D are the sun, and fatty fish. Also you can take a calcium supplement and a daily multivitamin that contains vitamin D.

Also, avoid carbonated drinks, which may suck the calcium from the bones......and honey I gave up sodas and that also helped my spare tire go down tremendously.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pace Yourself

You know sometimes I can't get through the whole hour of the P90X workout. Today I was only able to do 45 minutes of the legs, and back workout, and part of the ab ripper. But thats ok, because when I come from school, I will do the cardio workout. I'm not gonna kill myself just to look good. If it takes me longer than 4 months to meet my goal, than so be it.So pace yourself.

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