Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14

Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14
I was 163lbs a week ago

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fitness Is The Key

I know it will take about 3-5 months for me to reach my goal, but that is ok. I have noticed that I don't get tired anymore when I walk a long distance. I've also noticed that my left knee doesn't hurt as much as it did. My boyfriend has also noticed a change in my body. He says I am more toned and firmer like how I was when we first got together. He has been complimenting me alot, and I love it and greatly appreciate it.

I have more self confidence. I walk with my head up now, and don't feel as ugly as I used to. I really like working out. I am definitely this fly, fat, but yet fit woman. Loving every minute of it. P90X is crazy, but it's good. So you don't have to start working out all hard....start slow. Hey I started off by walking, but I used to run in high school, and I miss that, but I'm gonna run this weekend if it doesn't rain.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Omg, my boyfriend bought the P90X workout. I am on my second day, and I love it. As of today my current weight is 208lbs. I'm loving the transformation that my body is takng. I still walk everyday, and trying my best to eat clean. Pictures coming soon!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Lost 3lbs

Well I've only worked out a couple of days this week, but at least I did something. I weighed in yesterday, and I'm at 213lbs. Thats good, but I need to stay motivated. I have to take my workout and use it as my motivational stress reliever. So before I go to my phlebotomy class, I will workout for 25 minutes to an hour, at least 5 days out the week.

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