Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14

Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14
I was 163lbs a week ago

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm Still Here

Although it's been awhile since I blogged, I've still managed to lose weight. I currently weigh 185.5, and size 10 in pants. I fell off my workout horse for about 2 months, but I'm back. Back with more motivation and determination. My goal is still 145lbs, amd I'm gonna reach it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Being In Between Sizes

Well all my size 14 pants are too big. They are saggy in the butt and hang in the crotch. Some size 12's do fit, but I don't like my pants to be all tight in the crotch area. Maybe I need to go to a tailor. I did lose a bra size. I went from 40DD to 38DD. I love my breast, but sometimes they cause my back to hurt, and I become uncomfortable. But my journey is not over. I'm still shrinking, and loving it. Remember portion control, and some kind of workout, even if it's walking. Let's do it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I've Reached My 50lbs Lost Mark

Although I didn't hit my ultimate goal of reaching 145lbs by my 33rd bday, I am happy about losing 50lbs. I've set my next goal to reach 145lbs by December 1, 2010. I've learned to be patience with myself. Portion control, and cutting out soda and Red Bulls were the key for me, besides working out.

I walk daily, situps, jumprope, P90X, and The Biggest Loser DvD. That is my workout. I have alot more energy, and more self confidence. Water is starting to become my friend. I use the Ocean Spray packets to give my water flavor. I love cranberry juice, and green tea. Big fan of fruits and veggies. I'm very proud of myself.  Pics coming soon.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Weigh In From 30day challange.

Hello all, sorry I missed my weigh in date of 7/28/10, but as of today....8/6/10 I am currently at 191.8, a loss of 5.6lbs. My waist is now 37.4 inches,as where last time I was at 39 inches. I am liking the progress because when I first started this workout journey in Nov 09, I was 236lbs, self esteem was very low, and now I have come so far. Very proud of myself!!!!    Watch out now!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

30 Day Challenge

The other day I was reading an article about losing 4lbs and 7 inches off your belly within a week. Sounds good right? I was thinking about would this really work. See I messed up and started drinking red bulls again, and noticed my stomach was slowly coming back. So tomorrow will be my very last red bull once again, and I will try to do this new challenge.

The challenge consist of 3 days of ab workouts for 30 minutes, and 5 days of cardio for 30 minutes. You can eat the food you always eat, just control your portions. So tonight is 7/21/10, current weight is 197.4, waist is 39.5 inches. Next weigh in and measurements will be on  7/28/10.

So join me, and let me know how it goes!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Loving Who I Am

I ain't trying to be some skinny chick.....I do love my thickness. I just need to tone up my arms and legs, and lose my spare tire. Being on this weight loss journey, I am discovering who I really am, what I like and don't like. I aint gotta be like nobody else, I only need to be me. I workout yes to knock off these pounds, but not for other people, but for me. I want to be healthy, and fit too live a long life. After I had kids, I really lost myself, but guess what yall.....I'm back and feeling better than ever. It's nothing like being me.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

OMG......I'm So Happy

I can't believe it........198.2lbs! Yes I know it's still a lot of weight, but being that when I first started this workout journey I weighed 236lbs, and to be in the hundreds is really exciting. I feel like there is nothing I can't do as long as I stay focused. So working out 6 days a week, and portion control is the key for me. So watch out , cause I'm getting fly and fit, and will no longer be fat! :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Burn Calories With Yoga

Did you know that you can burn up to 300 calories by just doing yoga? It's not just about stretching, and relieving stress, it can serve as a rigorous workout.There are 6 yoga inspired moves that will give you flatter abs in just 12 minutes a day, 2 days a week. 1. U-move 2. Rowing boat 3. Flowing triangle 4. Moving downward dog 5. Marching chair 6. Flying locust.. Check out more yoga moves at

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

200.8lbs and still losing

I am so proud that I have reached the 200lb mark. It has been a very trying journey. Going from 236lbs to 200lbs feels so good. I love how my clothes are fitting. I'm no longer buying baggy clothes. I buy my clothes to fit and show off my curves. My confidence is slowly coming up, and I love it. It ain't over. I'm gonna reach my goal of 145lbs.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Going From size 18 to 14

I am proud that I've gone down four dress sizes. A year ago I was always in nursing scrubs for the past 9 years, and that was pretty much what I was wearing the majority of the time. Now that I am working in retail I had to buy new clothing since I had lost 28lbs so far. I'm loving how my body is shaping, I wish I could lose my mid -section a little faster. Photos will be posted soon.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

5 Essentials For Healthy Fat Loss

1. Strenght train- adding weights to your routine not only makes you stronger,it also increases your metabolism and helps you burn more fat.
2. Eat clean foods- whole grains, fruits, veggies, protein.
3. Cardio-ups your energy, and blast fat.
4. Have 5-6 meals a day- instaead of 3 large ones, and never skip breakfast.
5. Don't rush it- go slow- and -steady to reach your goal.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gained 4lbs Over The Weekend

OMG!!!!!! I gained 4lbs over the weekend. Thanks alot Aunt Flow. I have to get my eating together when I'm on my period. That is when I pig out the most. I crave nothing but sugary stuff during my monthly cycle. This has cost me, but that's o.k. I'm gonna get it together. Now I have to drop 10lbs to reach my 200lb mark.

Stay focused, eat right, push myself to workout longer. No one else is going to lose the weight for me. Gotta kick the sweets to the curb . IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Struggling To Lose 6lbs To Hit My 200lb Mark

Ok.....What is going on? I have been stuck between 208lbs and 206lbs for about 3 weeks. I workout daily, and walk daily. I think I went wrong when I stop doing portion control. But today I vow to get back on track. I love working out, and definitely enjoy cooking. I am eating more fruits and veggies. If I lose these 6lbs within the next two weeks I will then try to become a Beachbody coach. So that is my incentive.

Friday, March 12, 2010

What I've Learned About Being In My 30s

Your 30s are a relatively easy time to maintain a healthful weight- estrogen levels are balanced and muscle mass is still good. Unfortunately, a woman's hormones can cause chaos.

Finding "me" time can be a tall order, but exercise relieves stress and is a smart alternative to comfort food. Women need at least 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week.

Still gaining weight? Look at how much you're eating. An extra 50 calories a day can put on 5lbs in a year. So ladies let's workout for at least 30 minutes a day. Get the kids involved.....get the whole family involved.

In your 30s, women begin to slowly lose bone mass. Brittle bones make exercise difficult, which makes weight gain likely. To maintain bones, women in their 30s need 1,000mg of calcium and 200 IU of vitamin D a day. Healthy sources of calcium include low-fat or nonfat milk and cheese, yogurt, fortified juices, and cereals. You can get vitamin D are the sun, and fatty fish. Also you can take a calcium supplement and a daily multivitamin that contains vitamin D.

Also, avoid carbonated drinks, which may suck the calcium from the bones......and honey I gave up sodas and that also helped my spare tire go down tremendously.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pace Yourself

You know sometimes I can't get through the whole hour of the P90X workout. Today I was only able to do 45 minutes of the legs, and back workout, and part of the ab ripper. But thats ok, because when I come from school, I will do the cardio workout. I'm not gonna kill myself just to look good. If it takes me longer than 4 months to meet my goal, than so be it.So pace yourself.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fitness Is The Key

I know it will take about 3-5 months for me to reach my goal, but that is ok. I have noticed that I don't get tired anymore when I walk a long distance. I've also noticed that my left knee doesn't hurt as much as it did. My boyfriend has also noticed a change in my body. He says I am more toned and firmer like how I was when we first got together. He has been complimenting me alot, and I love it and greatly appreciate it.

I have more self confidence. I walk with my head up now, and don't feel as ugly as I used to. I really like working out. I am definitely this fly, fat, but yet fit woman. Loving every minute of it. P90X is crazy, but it's good. So you don't have to start working out all hard....start slow. Hey I started off by walking, but I used to run in high school, and I miss that, but I'm gonna run this weekend if it doesn't rain.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Omg, my boyfriend bought the P90X workout. I am on my second day, and I love it. As of today my current weight is 208lbs. I'm loving the transformation that my body is takng. I still walk everyday, and trying my best to eat clean. Pictures coming soon!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Lost 3lbs

Well I've only worked out a couple of days this week, but at least I did something. I weighed in yesterday, and I'm at 213lbs. Thats good, but I need to stay motivated. I have to take my workout and use it as my motivational stress reliever. So before I go to my phlebotomy class, I will workout for 25 minutes to an hour, at least 5 days out the week.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I woke up this morning and did a 30 minute workout, and then went jogging.I felt real good after all that. my next workout for today is housework. It's amazing how many calories you can burn from doing house work. For dinner, I'm going to make some bake chicken, mixed veggies, and garlic bread. I need to make a grocery list so that I can start clean eating. Today is the fisrt day that I didn't have a Red Bull. See, I stopped drinking Coke to months ago, and I replaced it with Red Bulls. The Red Bull was replaced with cranberry juice....yummy!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Staying Motivated

I buy alot of fitness magazines, Oxygen, and Shape. I love to read the stories of how everyday women like me were able to lose weight and keep it off. I posters of exercises on my wall, and I find time to do some kind of workout if I don't feel like doing my Biggest Loser dvd. I definitely love to dance, and that is a great way to workout and get your sweat on. I do plan on setting a goal to run some type of marathon....nothing big. I gotta start small sense its been years since I ran in a meeet. I am also motivated by my boyfriend. He has bought 100lb weights and he works out on a daily bases. I tease him and say he wants to lose weight to be a So find something or someone to motivate you and stay with it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Losing The Weight

About 2 months ago I weighed 236lbs. My turning point was when my family and I were at Best Buy, and I got on the Wii Fit. It told me I was obese, and being that I'm 32 years old, the Wii Fit told me I was 43 years old. I was so embarrased. So I bought the Biggest Loser workout dvd, and now I weigh 216lbs. Last week I fell off my workout, but that's okay, because I decided to do this blog to keep myself motivated. Tonight I will workout for 45 minutes doing the Biggest Loser dvd. My goal is to weigh 150lbs, and I will put a 6week program together and I will weigh myself once a week. I haven't been good with this clean eating, but I do know that I have cut back tremendously on the food portions, so that is a start. I also have learned to not be so hard on myself, and take it one day at a time. So we will see where I will be 6 weeks from today, which is March 10th. So wish me luck!

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