Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14

Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14
I was 163lbs a week ago

Friday, May 30, 2014

The Journey Of Self Love

Losing weight is not easy. You have to be 100% committed to the lifestyle change. That means if you are not used to exercising, than you should start slowly. Maybe walk a few blocks, low impact aerobics, or stationary bike. If you are not used to clean eating, than start small. Have smaller portions, more protein, less soda, more water, and fruits and veggies.

Never try to keep up with someone else. You must go at your own pace, and do what works for you. Do you eat breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I have my Herbalife healthy meal and protein shake within 45 minutes of waking up. 2-3 hours later I have a morning snack. My morning snack would consist of Greek yogurt, string cheese, and water. At lunch I would have another Herbalife healthy meal and protein shake. My afternoon snack of  Herbalife tea, and spinach salad. At dinner time, I would either he turkey tacos, or chicken and brown rice with veggies, or tilapia, or catfish. Baked of course.

You must be active. I am constantly walking, and walking is a great low impact workout. Each month I implement a workout challenge. Currently I am on my 10th week, 5th day of the 10 week workout challenge. Sunday June 1,2014 starts the 30 Day Ab & Squat Challenge. Below is the workout chart.
You might not like working out in the gym. So why not workout at home. Maybe you might have some workout dvd's, or on your Xbox system you have a workout app. I use Nike Run app on my phone on the weekends. This is when I go for my 3 mile run.  You don't have to start out lifting weights, but eventually you will have to invest an some dumb bells to tone up from leaning out. I incorporate pushups, squats, calf raises, and lunges in my daily workouts. Also don't forget the ab work. And do not forget to drink or try your best to drink a gallon of water a day. If you would like information on my nutritional plan go to
Luv & Blessins

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Ten Week Workout Plan

Currently I have been doing the Ten Week Workout Plan, and I must say I love it. I am on week 4, day 6, and I continue to take my Herbalife  shake, tea, and tablets. I am full of energy, and a lot more confident than I used to be. Down below you will find the Ten Week Workout Plan.

Monday: 150 Jumping Jacks
                50 Crunches
                20 Tricep Dips
                15 Squats
                20 Lunges (each leg)
                70 Russian Twists
                20 Standing Calf Raises
                5 Push-ups
                30 Second Plank
                10 Lunge Split Jumps

Tuesday: 80 Jumping Jacks
                50 Vertical Leg Crunches
                20 Sit Ups
                15 Tricep Dips
                20 Squats
                10 Side Lunges (each leg)
                15 Leg Lifts (each leg)
                50 Bicycles
                15 Wall Push Ups
                40 Russian Twist

Wednesday: 90 Jumping Jacks
                    20 Tricep Dips
                    10 Sit Ups
                    30 Bird Dogs
                    30 Second Plank
                    30 Squats
                    40 Crunches
                    10 Oblique Crunches (each side)
                    20 Standing Calf Raises

Thursday: 100 Jumping Jacks
                 25 Vertical Leg Crunches
                 20 Squats
                 20 Wall Push Ups
                 50 Russian Twists
                 15 Second Side Plank (each side)
                 10 Lunge Split Jumps
                  5 Jump Squats
                 40 High Knees

Friday: 60 Jumping Jacks
             40 Crunches
             10 Sit Ups
             10 Tricep Dips
             20 Side Lunges (each side)
             15 Incline Push Ups
             10 Oblique Crunches (each side)
             30 Butt Kickers
             5 Jump Squats
             15 Jack Knife Sit Ups

Saturday: 50 Jumping Jacks
                 20 Squats
                 100 Russian Twists
                 5 Kneeling Push Ups
                 1 Minute Downward Dog
                 15 Jack Knife Sit Ups
                 10 Lunges (each leg)
                 10 Side Lunges (each side)
                 20 Bird Dogs
                 20 Inner Thigh Lifts (each leg)

Sunday: 45 Jumping Jacks
              15 Squats
              5 Jumping Squats
              50 Russian Twists
              30 Second Plank
              10 Standing Calf Raises
              5 Kneeling Push Ups
              30 Second Superman
              10 Lunges (each leg)
              40 Crunches

Remember anything is possible! 80% nutrition, 20% fitness, and 100% mindset. If you would like more information on becoming more active, or looking  to change your eating habits email me at or visit

           Luv &Blessins!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Weightloss Journey

Create your own happiness

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weight Lifting Journey

Tomorrow I will start my weight lifting journey. My current weight is 164.4lbs. My goal is to get to 145lbs. I run twice a week, I do pushups , ab work, and some weight lifting. But tomorrow I will start a serious weight lifting program.

Workout 1 - Upper Body
Standing shoulder press 3 sets
Lateral Shoulder Raise 3 sets
Front Lateral Raise 3 sets
Crunches 50
Pushups 26
Dumbbell Fly 3 sets
Crunches 50
Diamond Pushups 26
Dumbbell Press 3 sets
Crunches 50
Lying Tricep Kickback 3 sets
Tricep Dumbbell Kickbacks 3 sets
Barbell Curls 3 sets
Alternating Dumbbell Curls 3 sets
Crunches 50

Tomorrow I will include how much weight was used with each exercise.
Wish me luck. Luv & Blessins to all.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 1 of Herbalife

So I finally decided to use Herbalife to go along with me working out. I have 2 shakes as a meal replacement, multi vitamins, cell activator, herbal tea and protein. The shakes are very good, and I'm energized.

Now that I'm doing this, I can focus on the nutritional part of my life. Clean eating, more water, fruits and veggies. My goal is to drop my last 24lbs within 90 days. Well wish me luck. Luv & Blessins!!!

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