Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14

Me today at 159.8lbs 4/19/14
I was 163lbs a week ago

Friday, May 20, 2011

Slowly Getting There

Im still trying to get to my goal of 145lbs. I currently weigh 177.9lbs, and counting down. My problem is bread,soda, red bull. At one point I was able to give up soda and red bulls for mnonths. But when I get stressed, I gotta have the caffiene. As for the bread, I just love it. I have to discipline myself, and continue my daily walking,and portion control.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work! I know cutting things out of your diet is not easy to do, especially carbs (bread, pasta and juice).

    Do you eat red meat? If so, try to cut down on it and just stick to chicken and fish. Cutting out fried foods and juices with added sugar helps too. I try to only drink 100% juice and nothing with high fructose corn syrup. I use grade B 100% maple syrup instead of Mrs. Butter's Worth too.

    I have a Jack Lalane's juicer and we juice fruits and veggies together so we can get the most nutrients from fresh juice than buying it at the store.

    I even try to stay away from fast food restaurants and processed food (like Kraft singles cheese). PLENTY of water. I drink more water than juice, since juice has a lot of sugar which turns into carbs and then into fat.

    Have you tried the Master Cleanse? Instead of fasting with the master cleanse, you can also make a pitcher of it and drink it instead of juice.

    I'm almost a vegetarian, but it's not easy to do. It's a lifestyle change that takes time to adjust to. Erik is slowly seeing how it benefits his health and has cut back on alot of the junk food he eats. But it's hard when you have kids in the house who want to eat a gang of snacks. However, my daughter eats her fruit more often because I suggest fruit before I suggest junk food.

    Eating yogurt helps too.

    Go girl. You can do it!


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